critical boiling

英 [ˈkrɪtɪkl ˈbɔɪlɪŋ] 美 [ˈkrɪtɪkl ˈbɔɪlɪŋ]




  1. A critical temperature of water is 100 degrees C& its boiling point at standard atmospheric pressure; critical mass; go critical.
  2. This paper deals with experimental and numerical computation analysis of the critical heat flux ( CHF) occurrence at the conditions of subcooled boiling flow in rod bundles with grid spacers.
  3. Critical heat flux prediction of subcooled boiling based on the microlayer model
  4. Critical heat flux during natural convection boiling in narrow vertical rectangular channels with bottoms
  5. Critical Heat Flux during Natural Convective Boiling in Inclined Tubes
  6. More interestingly, comparing the variation of the binding energy of such small clusters with the melting points and boiling points of corresponding pure element materials, we can understand the effect of the critical structures in the melting and boiling processes.
  7. A Fractal Model for Critical Heat Flux in Pool Boiling
  8. A TWO-DIMENSION ANALYTICAL MODEL DURING POST-CHF REGION Critical Boiling Heat Flux in Inclined Small Tubes at Zero Inlet Flow
  9. Investigated was the influence of the various system conditions, such as different liquids, flow velocities and jet flow diameter, etc. on the critical heat-flux density of the jet-flow boiling.
  10. By using the semi-theoretical and semi-empirical formula obtained as a result of the present study it is possible in a extensive range of tests accurately predict the critical heat-flux density of the jet-flow boiling.
  11. Experimental Study on Two phase Flow Pattern and Critical Heat Flux ( CHF) Mechanism of Liquid Sodium Boiling
  12. Experimental study on critical heat flux of forced convection boiling in uniformly heated vertical tube
  13. At the same time, the critical heat flux of such spraying porous layer is also higher than that of smooth plane, and it can enhance the boiling heat transfer within wide heat flux range.
  14. The procedure was successfully used to the fitting of the critical temperature and critical pressure of petroleum fractions made in China to their standard density and average normal boiling point.
  15. The limiting heat flux and critical heat flux of boiling heat transfer in porous bed
  16. This article has a review of the models and the new developments of the saturated critical heat flux ( CHF) of the pool boiling.
  17. An experimental study was carried out to investigate the critical heat flux ( CHF) during natural convective boiling in the uniformly heated, inclined tubes submerged in the saturated liquids at atmospheric pressure.
  18. Experimentation and Analysis about Critical Boiling Heat Transfer on Micro Porous Surface
  19. This paper is to investigate and discuss the critical heat flux ( CHF) during natural convection boiling in narrow vertical rectangular channels with closed bottoms, which working fluid is water.
  20. The study results indicate that the critical flow-flux density of the saturated fluid jet-flow impingement boiling depends on the physical properties of the liquid, stagnation impingement speed and jet flow diameter.
  21. Results Three critical control points including food addictives weighing, disinfection by steaming and boiling and detecting metal fragments were identified.